There is a movie coming out just in time for Valentine’s Day named “Valentine’s Day”. This movie is about a few couples and singles in Los Angeles breaking up and making up based on the pressures and expectations of Valentine’s Day. Some of the cast from the movie include Jessica Alba, Jessica Biel, Bradley Cooper, Jamie Foxx, Ashton Kutcher, Queen Latifah, Taylor Lautner, George Lopez, and Taylor Swift. This movie is rated PG-13 and is 1 hour and 57 minutes long. “Valentine’s Day” will hit theaters on February 12 so go check it out. By: Karla C.
Scribblenauts is a Nintendo DS game where you can write anything and it materializes for use in the game. On the title screen you can just play around with anything you write without having to worry about levels or objectives. You can create things from an aardvark to a zombie, and everything in between. You can’t put any vulgarities or proper nouns, though. Scribblenauts does more than letting you conjure up objects. Everything has properties so things can interact (for example: put God and the Devil and watch them battle it out. There are 280 levels to play though in both of the 2 stages. In the puzzle stage you have to create things to retrieve a starite. In action stages you have to get Maxwell (the main protagonist) from the starting point to the starite. A par system limits and challenges you to use the fewest objects and prevents you from repeating solutions. There is also a custom level editor. By: Ricky H.
The movie “Dear John” comes out on February the 5th, 2010. It’s a very heartwarming, sweet story, played by Channing Tatum as John Tryee and Amanda Seyfried as Savannah Curtis. John was the opposite of Savannah but yet they still got along so well. John dropped out of high school to join the Army. Savannah was an independent woman in college working for Habitat and Humanity. John was on a trip to visit his father. That’s when they first met. It was at a beach. John went to retrieve Savannah’s purse after it fell in the water. Right then, their friendship began to bloom. They spent only two weeks together and fell in love with each other. An unexpected event came up and John had to leave Savannah to go back to the Army. They promised each other to write letter every now and then so no matter how far in distance they are, they can always be together. By: Becky G.
To all Lakers fans and Obama fans, here’s some really great news...the Lakers met with President Obama at the white house! President Barack Obama honored the team on Monday, January 25, 2010 in the east room. They had a nine minute ceremony with compliments from Obama himself, along with an Illinois senator, who enjoyed meeting Coach Phil Jackson. But Kobe Bryant didn’t think that Obama would be a Lakers fan. During the visit, there were tons of laughs and smiles. After the ceremony, they gave Obama his own jersey that said his last name on the back and Number 1 on the back that he displayed and a basketball with all their signatures! Unfortunately, one of them had the flu and couldn’t come. So, that’s the story of an amazing team being honored by an awesome president. By: Dalia M.
The book, The Lighting Thief, by Rick Riordan, is going to be a movie called “Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief”. It will be released on February 12, 2010. The book is about a twelve year old boy named Percy Jackson. After his pre – algebra teacher turns to a monster, he decides to go on a trip to Montauk with his mom. They meet a satyr named Grover, who tells Percy’s mom that Percy has to go to a camp. As they are driving to the camp, they are attacked by a Minotaur who grabs Percy’s mom. His mom then turns to a gold shower of light. Percy ends up killing the Minotaur by stabbing it with its horns. He wakes up in Camp Half – blood which is a place for demigods. A demigod is someone whose father or mother is a god and their other parent is a human. He is moved in the Hermes cabin where all the unclaimed demigods stay. While they all the demigods playa game of Capture the Flag, he is attacked by the children of Ares. When he steps into the river, his wounds healed. Poseidon’s green trident glows above his head. That means he is the son of Poseidon.
Once the counselors found out, he had to go on a quest to find Zeus’ bolt. Since Poseidon had broken his oath, Zeus thinks that Percy took it. As they go on their quest to find the bolt, he meets Ares, another god. Percy finds out that the bolt was in the backpack Luke, the cabin counselor, gave him. He fights and defeats Ares, who then gives Percy Hades’ Helm of Darkness, which he then gives back to Hades. Then he goes to New York to go to Olympus, which is at the top of the Empire State Building, and returns the bolt. He then goes back to the camp, where he finds Luke. Luke tells Percy that he stole the bolt for Kronos, son of Uranus, the sky, and Gaia, the earth. He then calls a scorpion who stung and nearly killed Percy. Chiron cures him and Percy leaves to go to another school.
Chinese New Year is a time to celebrate. Chinese New Year starts with the new moon on the first day and 15 days later it ends on the full moon. Chinese New Year falls on a different date each year. This year it’s on February 14. We give each other red envelopes. The red envelopes stand for luck because of the color red. It is the year of the Tiger. We have a lion performing because it scares away the evil spirits. If you give the lion a cabbage they say that you’ll get luck and fortune. 2010 is the year the tiger. Tiger people are aggressive, courageous, and sensitive, celebrating is important year because we get to have a fresh start on the new year. By Stacy H. and Karla C.
Valentine's Day is a holiday celebrated on February 14 by many people throughout the world. It is the traditional day on which lovers express their love for each other by sending Valentine Cards, presents, Or Flowers. Valentine’s Day is a day to express your affection for someone or to show how much you appreciate them. This holiday was named after an early Christian named ‘Valentine’. Modern Valentine symbols include the heart shaped outline, doves, and the figure of the winged Cupid. This day is mostly about Love. So, this Valentine’s Day spend the day with the one you care for the most.♥ By: Asia C.
George Washington’s birthday is a federal holiday.It is also known as Presidents Day.During the month of February two birthdays of our greatest presidents takes place.George Washington was born on February 22nd and died on December 14th at the age of 67.Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12th.George was known as “The Father of our Country”.When he was born, America was not a nation yet, it had belonged to England.There was a war between England and America.America won and had chosen the name “The United States of America” and the people had elected George Washington as their president.Abraham died on April 12, 1865, at the age of 56.He grew up in a poor family and wasn’t rich.When he grew up he studied hard and became a lawyer.Later on he was elected to be a law maker.In the year 1861 he became our 16th president.He was known as “The Great Emancipator”.Abraham was also known as “Hones Abe” for his honesty and fairness.He was constantly reading.He also did his homework by the light of the fire and used the back of the shovel to work out his addition problems for math and for drawing.George Washington played a major roll in the drafting of “The Declaration of Independence,” signed on July 4th, 1776.He was declaring the colonies to be free and independent states.George was a wise and courageous man who was admired for his honesty and strength of character.Today we choose to celebrate President’s day to honor two of our greatest presidents on the 3rd Monday of February in Spring.
When we have an earthquake drill we always make sure that we get our things ready. In case of a real earthquake you should always have a safety backpack so you could put important things in it. You should always bring a flash light with extra batteries, can food, extra warm clothes, a first aid kit, water, and much more. If there is an earthquake going on, you should go under a desk or table for safety. Your hand should be behind your neck because when a table breaks, it could hit the back of your neck and you could die. If everything is still, go outside for safety. Do not stay inside because it can be dangerous. Always follow the rules of your instructor or teacher and you will get out safely. By: Tracy Hong
On March 25th, Ms. Randol and her class will perform a play called Midsummer Night’s Dream. This play will be a forty five minute version of Midsummer’s Night’s Dream in the auditorium. There will be an afternoon and evening performance. This is a comedy written by William Shakespeare. This is one of Shakespeare’s most famous plays. This play has everything you can dream of. It has magic, comedy, fighting, lovers, and rivalry. The students who participate in the play will get to go to shakespearience, which is performed at the Alex Theatre in Glendale. By:Jimmy Huang