Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Letting Go Pizza Party

Nightingale Middle School celebrates bully free month. The students at Nightingale Middle School created an event. This event was called The Letting Go Pizza Party, it took place on November 2, 2012. There are three parts of this celebration. The first part of this event is called, A Water Balloon Relay Race, in this part of the event there have to be two lines. One student from each line runs to a basket of water balloons. When the student has a balloon to themselves they will get a marker. The students will write a word that a bully said to them on the balloon. Afterwards, the student will run back to their lines, the students run to the back of the line and throw the water balloon on the floor, till it pops. This part of the event symbolizes the student forgetting that particular word that they had been called. The second part of the event is called, A Therapeutic Piñata Game, each student will have 3 turns to hit the piñata. This part of the event symbolizes letting go of the anger the student had. Later on, the students had a pizza party. The students had pizza and kool-aid. When the students were done with their pizza party, they went to the last part of the event, Wings of hope. The students gathered in a circle, all the students had a butterfly in their hands; the butterfly was inside a paper. On a count of 3 the students opened the paper and set the butterfly free. When the butterflies flew away it was a way of saying they had let go of the pain and anger of being bullied. Nightingale Middle School is helping students who have been bullied before, the school is telling students that there is hope, and not let bullies bring them down.

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