Monday, March 28, 2011

Waste School Lunches

There have been reports of uneaten food in the trashcans at Nightingale Middle School. It costs the school lots of money to provide every student food. Many students take their food for granted because they think the lunches are free, but it isn’t. Every year students waste about thousands of dollars in food by throwing it away. We shouldn’t waste our food even though you don’t eat it. There is a reason for that green basket on the trashcans. It requires no work to save the food. Save the food instead of disposing it. All you need to do is put the food into the green basket. It cost about $3.00 or $3.50 for each lunch. The leftover lunches is thrown into the trash. They can’t even save them. Don’t just get your food and throw it away without even taking a bite of it. The school works hard to provide us our food so we should be thankful we have food to eat.
-Victor R.

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